Consumer Procedures
Considering A Permanent Makeup Procedure?
Treatments performed by IIPC’s highly trained Permanent Makeup Technicians!
With IIPC graduates in every state across the US, we know we will find you the perfect Permanent Makeup Technician to perfume the procedure you’ve been thinking about.
- Eyeliner and Lash Enhancement
- Eyebrow Hair Simulation
- Scalp Hair Simulation
- Areola Repigmentation
- Skin Needling
- Melanocyte Restoration
- Corrective Pigment Camouflage
- Burn Scar Camouflage
- Microblading
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Consumer Information and Services for Permanent Cosmetics

For Before and After photos of these life-changing procedures, please visit our Color and Application page.
Eyeliner and Lash Enhancement
Eyeliner and Lash Enhancement is one of the most popular and frequently requested procedures in the Permanent Cosmetics Industry. This procedure is perfect for people who want to enhance their eyes but don’t have the time or ability to apply eye makeup every time it is needed. In a Lash Enhancement procedure, the technician places dots of pigment between sparse lashes to create a fuller look. In an Eyeliner procedure, the thickness of the liner is decided upon during a consultation prior to the procedure. In the application, a line of pigment is placed on the lash line to create the appearance of regular everyday eyeliner. Both of these procedures can be performed on the upper and lower lashlines.
Eyebrow Hair Simulation
Eyebrow Hair Simulation is another popular Permanent Makeup procedure. This process will create permanent 3-dimensional, real-looking eyebrows for any person – from those who just need to fill in some spaces to those who have lost their brows altogether. This procedure has served as a solution to people who have experienced hair loss due to chemotherapy and cancer treatments, Alopetia, burns or aging.
Scalp Hair Simulation
Scalp Hair Simulation is a perfect solution for those who are missing scalp hair. In this procedure, the spot lacking hair is targeted, pigments are matched to the surrounding hair and the color is tattooed into the space resulting in real-looking, simulated scalp hair where the patient previously had none.
Areola Repigmentation
Areola Repigmentation is a wonderful procedure that has done much for the confidence and self-esteem of countless men and women. This is a process of creating the perfect areola for patients whether they have had breast cancer surgery and need a totally new areola or are unhappy with the color and shape of the areolas they do have. With IIPC’s advanced application techniques, technicians are even able to create the appearance of a 3-dimensional nipple.
Scar Relaxation
Scar Relaxation uses repeated needle penetration in order to loosen contractured scar tissue, allowing the patient to experience a much larger range of movement. This procedure has been exceptionally successful when performed on patients with scarring from burns. No pigments are involved in this process.
Skin Needling
Skin Needling™, like Scar Relaxation, involves no pigment. This procedure is ideal for patients with deep wrinkles or acne scarring, as the repeated pricking of the machine’s needle draws a light bloodline. The brain recognizes the needle’s pricking as a sign of trauma, responds by generating more collagen and directs it to the target area plumping up wrinkles or inverted scars. Most people see results immediately and continue to witness the plumping as healing takes place.
Melanocyte Restoration
Melanocyte Restoration is a process that uses a technique similar to that used in Skin Needling™. With no pigment involved, the technician repeatedly pricks areas with hyper- or hypo-pigmentation to stimulate the melanocyte cells in the epidermis, which in turn produce melanin. This process helps the treated areas to blend in with the rest of the patient’s skin.
Corrective Pigment Camouflage and Burn Scar Camouflage
Corrective Pigment Camouflage and Burn Scar Camouflage are processes that use pigment to change the color of an area of skin, allowing it to blend together with the surrounding skin. Corrective Pigment Camouflage has been exceptionally successful when performed on patients with burn scars; the addition of pigment evens out skin tone while the needle’s penetration works to loosen scar tissue and provide a larger range of movement.